A Complete Assessment

Are you concerned about the state of your smile? At Crestwood Family Dental, we offer a smile makeover service to address stains, damage and structural problems in your teeth and gums. The process starts with a visit to our clinic in Molendinar, where we conduct a thorough dental assessment, giving us a complete view of your oral health. This allows our team to identify issues that you are concerned about and create a comprehensive plan to fix them.

From teeth whitening to crowns and bridges, or even complete implant supported prostheses, we offer cosmetic and restorative services that are tailored to your needs. Whether you only want a single service or a combination of many, our team will give you honest advice and feedback, so you can better navigate the process. Dr. Parry can explain the benefits of each procedure and how this will impact your smile.

To get started, contact Crestwood Family Dental on (07) 5649 8661.

Happy Couple With Perfect Smile — Crestwood Family Dental In Molendinar, QLD

Our Makeover Services

Additionally, we also provide general dentistry, like cleans and fillings. This means your smile makeover can be more than simply cosmetic—it can bring your oral health completely up to scratch, so you can talk, chew and smile with ease.

Count on the team at Crestwood Family Dental to work closely with you throughout this process. If you are not sure which procedure is best suited to your needs, we will help you balance your options to achieve a healthy medium.